Taking care of Dharma texts

Dear Sangha and friends,

Concerning some people who might own a Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro book, or Dharma books in general:
The book known as the Longchen Nyingtik Ngondro practice comes from the teachings of Dzogpachenpo. If you take care of this book very well, it will act as a wish-fulfilling jewel. This is because it can help you attain enlightenment. The Ngondro is very beneficial to your mind; if your mind is good then your physical body will be good also. This is because the physical is dependent on the mind. Through the practice of the Ngondro you will have happiness in this life and future lives, you will also have the power to benefit others.
If you don’t care about the Ngondro book and you just ignore it, such as leaving it under your chair or mattress, then this is something that can create lots of negative karma. It can be dangerous to own a Ngondro text, it can also be a great blessing. This is not ordinary literature, it is a special text that you can use to transform your mind. It is important to know that everything is dependently arising. Understanding this, you should realize that through the practice of Dzogchen you can achieve enlightenment.
If you don’t take care of the Ngondro book and ignore it, or put it in the wrong place, or lose it, then this can cause you many problems. It will bring you more problems than benefits because of the negative karma you are creating through not taking care of Dharma. Before you ever take this book and claim ownership, you should check yourself if you really have interest or not. It is better you don’t take this book if you are just going to ignore it. Once you take this book, you need to keep your interest in it and take care of it, especially by practicing it. Whoever takes care of and shows respect to Dharma texts will definitely have happiness and wellbeing.